The old adage, “It’s important to know a good attorney and a great plumber” rings forever true. Simply, there are those things in life we probably should not try to do ourselves. When we do, it inevitably costs more to fix them in the long run. In business the “cost” associated with ill-conceived, tactical, stop-gap approaches to marketing are enormous and always (yes, I said always) end in failure.

Recently, I encountered a blog entitled “How to Fire Your Graphic Designer” and naturally it caught my attention. The post proudly offered links to sites where one can pick fonts, select images, and create layouts. Beyond the sites mentioned in the article, the Internet abounds with others offering logo designs for $49. There are even sites where designers compete against each other for the chance to win your logo contract (I envision “Gladiator-style” death matches). Sounds great, right?

Before you go that route, take a minute to consider the following:

Owning Microsoft Publisher doesn’t make you a graphic designer.
With access to design programs and free photo web sites, it seems ludicrous to believe you would need a professional to design anything. But think about it like this—I may have a table saw, but that doesn’t make me a carpenter. I may own scissors, but that doesn’t make me a hair stylist. Likewise, having access to design software and free fonts will not make you a graphic designer anymore than going to McDonald’s will make you a cheeseburger.

‘Free’ doesn’t communicate the real cost.
Suppose you were suffering from a medical condition. Chances are you can immediately find a self-help website that offers treatment advice. Some sites may even advocate you don’t need to consult a doctor at all (Why should you? It will probably cost you a fortune!). So you choose the self-help route and are proud of your resourcefulness. But the condition doesn’t go away, and is only exacerbated by the snake-oil remedy. You end up at the doctor’s office anyway—in worse shape than when you began.  Don’t waste time and energy on a questionable solution—enlist a professional design and marketing team to do it right!

Professionals are exactly that—Professional.
Coming from a small business background, I understand why DIY websites exist; mainly, to offer the cheapest way possible to get something done. Many of our clients come to us after frustration and disappointment with the DIY route, their brother-in-law’s design or the low-budget contract designer in another country that insisted on payment in advance – then forgot to deliver! The $49 logo site will probably throw you a quick and dirty logo and that’s it. And as we all know, a logo is not a brand.

It’s becoming quickly apparent in our day-to-day business at JH&A, we’re doing a lot more “fixing” now days. Many new clients are not shy about telling us their frustrations with DIY or brother-in-law marketing communications efforts. Well-conceived, strategic efforts include more than pretty pictures. Business acumen, identifying and understanding competitive forces and an understanding of the overall brand identity play pivotal roles in what we provide to our clients.

So, I say “hooray!” to the business owner, marketing or biz dev VP who opts for the $49 logo. We’ll be here when you need us!

Brian Freeman
Graphic Designer
JH&A Advertising