Even YOU Can Design Like Apple

If I had a dollar for every time I heard a client say, “We want our site to look like Apple’s” I would have… lots of dollars. Seriously, who wouldn’t want to look like Apple? They seem to represent all that is good in both product innovation and marketing savvy. Apple just exudes cool, almost without even trying. And maybe after comparing your brand to theirs, you feel like a 90lb weakling at a bodybuilding competition. Continue reading

Why A DIY Website And $49 Logo Are Great For The Marcom Industry

The old adage, “It’s important to know a good attorney and a great plumber” rings forever true. Simply, there are those things in life we probably should not try to do ourselves. When we do, it inevitably costs more to fix them in the long run. In business the “cost” associated with ill-conceived, tactical, stop-gap approaches to marketing are enormous and always (yes, I said always) end in failure. Continue reading

When is the Right Time to Review Your Company’s Brand?

Over our twenty-five year history, JH&A Advertising has successfully completed hundreds of rebranding exercises. Corporate rebranding is an important subject that should not be taken lightly. It affects the entire organization and should be considered carefully and strategically.

So how do you know if it’s time to update, refresh or completely rebrand?  Here are five very important criteria to consider: Continue reading

10 Epic Design Fails to Avoid

Well-designed marketing materials deliver tremendous value in the battle for potential customers. They position your business as highly professional, relevant and successful.  But with more and more companies cutting budgets, many have resorted to creating marketing collateral themselves, or outsourcing to cousin Sue because she knows Microsoft Publisher. The end result is usually horrifying. Continue reading

A Logo Does Not A Brand Make

The term “branding” means different things to different people. Many of our new clients come in thinking of branding strictly as the visual assets attached to their company—the most prominent symbol being their logo.  When executed with discipline, a logo should reflect your company’s brand and properly reinforce its image.  However; logos, corporate colors and graphic standards are only a small, outward-facing reflection of a company’s brand.  Continue reading